Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Ahhh, spring is in the air, and this is exactly why I missed living in a place that actually has four seasons. Now, that being said, when it's 14 degrees outside and the wind itself seems to be in the mood to play a game of freeze tag with me, I could easily drop that number to three, but then I truly believe the first signs of spring wouldn't be as sweet as they are. Granted, I've had it easy this time around due to the fact I've only had to endure two months of winter in comparison to the rest of New York. But two months definitely makes it easier to understand the guy who's whistling down the street wearing shorts and a T-shirt in 45 degree weather. This past weekend it hit 68 degrees and you could literally feel the shot of electricity in the air; people start smiling more, girls pick up their step a bit and guys get a little bolder in their glances...and we're only in March. I have to admit, it's exciting and slightly intoxicating all at once and the best word I can use to describe it is...twitterpated. For those of you who had to go back and re-read that word, I understand. For those of you who're on my same page, I commend your vast and yet peculiar range of vocabulary. Disney, that's all I have to say.

The only heart-breaking aspect is the false alarm effect...as I sit here and write this the day has arrived gloomy & cold accompanied by a incessant drizzle that's not heavy enough for an umbrella but significant enough to make it impossible to ignore. *Sigh* I always did prefer Stormy to Rainbow Brite and deep down inside wanted her horse to beat Starlight during the big race in the thundercloud...But today, I think I've had enough.

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