Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Staying Positive

When I was little, it felt like every few years or so, we'd have to pick up and move. And naturally, I hated it. As a kid, life and death hung in the balance of Saturday morning cartoons and Valentine's day cards so moving was of course, a near-apocalyptic event. The moment we stepped into our new house, no matter how inviting the fresh paint smell or spectacular the view outside my bedroom window, I'd find every reason I could, to hate it. And the sentiment would continue until one day, unbeknownst to me, I'd forget to stop hating. I'd start laughing about something with a friend who wasn't so new anymore and suddenly, not a day would go by where I didn't laugh. And then we'd move again.

So, given the fact that so many of us as adults shy away from change and the unfamiliar, I am trying to keep that in mind as the strangeness of my new surroundings begin to melt into the familiar & comforting.

Oh the irony in the fact that I moved here from sunny South Florida where I was sick of the heat and humidity, not to mention all the creepy-crawlies that came with it. "I miss the seasons!", I would say, shaking my fist at any Floridian who claimed that winter and freezing temperatures were a byproduct of the underworld. And right about now, I really miss the heat. Actually, I should mention that it's warmed up quite a bit since I got here; I can leave the house wearing a mere six layers instead the original twelve...

But I shall hold true to those famous words spoken (sung actually) by Annie dashing around the mansion (and new home) of "Daddy" Warbucks...I think I'm gonna like it here...


  1. Awesome my friend...The story sounds a little familiar to me, given the fact that I had to move as well, although this is a place where I had been before, though not necessarily wanted to. But I have learned that the end of a season, is not the end of you, just the beginning of something greater :-)

  2. Yes! Besides a select few, you have to be a minor masochist when you voluntarily change the scenery. Things can suck a bit when everything is new, but you use the energy from being in a brand new place towards learning the ropes. Like starting p90x you adjust and even begin to enjoy things!
