Thursday, October 14, 2010

Is This For Real?

Hypothetical situation...

I want to you "close your eyes". Of course if you do that, then you can't continue reading so I want you to act like you're closing your eyes, clear your head and imagine this scenario.

You got up today and you're in a good mood. Today's your day off. You've got a couple of lazy hazy errands to run in the AM, and then you're going to meet up with friends later and spend the rest of the day out and about. So you're in the shower, trying to piece together your outfit for the day; something a little nicer than casual and easy enough to move in but bottom line: something you know you'll look good in. It's always so much more enjoyable spending some extra time in the mirror when you don't have to go to work...

Your gas tank is on E, so first stop is to fill up. The attendant at the gas station who you're pretty sure hasn't showered in a week & in between ringing up customers is whooping at his 5 inch portable TV over Jerry Springer re-runs, is giving you bedroom eyes while trying to lick his lips like LL. Even LL hardly does it anymore. "Ok," you think, "Whatever".

Next stop is the grocery store and as you're checking expiration dates on a half gallon of milk, a gentlemen who could easily pass for an extended relative of Frodo Baggins begins asking you random questions like, "Do you eat pork and have you ever seen the Queen Mary in Long Beach, CA?"#ifeelweirdnow

Finally, you make a last minute decision to grab a quick workout so you won't feel so bad about the confectionery nose-dive you fully intend on making later on. Now, all of the hot-shot 25-30something guys are spending more time looking at themselves in the mirror than at you but once upstairs on the treadmill when you're spitting all over yourself in the middle of an interval sprint, a very nice young man who could fit into your jeans twice decides to unveil his soul and reveal to you that he's been admiring you from afar for quite some time now.

Math is not my forte, I will admit. But looking at the equation here, 1+1+1=3, right?

Question: Should we determine our individual level of physical attractiveness based on the type of people we get consistent attention from?

1 comment:

  1. I REALLY hope not!!! Remember that guy that approached me at the Miami airport once while I was waiting for you to pick me up?? Well, that is kinda what I get most of the time...So with that said, again, I REALLY HOPE NOT!!
