Monday, September 20, 2010

Progression & Transition

Well, I think it's safe to say that if I were getting paid to blog, I wouldn't be making much.

I'm am happy, though, to announce the slight improvement of my circumstances; I now have a part-time job (cheers and applause in background) and am also helping out at my church with the high school group. I can't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the latter part of that sentence because ever since I graduated from high school, I've avoided all things concerning it. Mostly due to the fact that my experience during those years was say the least (except for senior year; that was kinda cool). And without darkening the skies in Disney-esque fashion with my tales of woeful heartache, ending with an uncomfortably long silence, I'll keep it simple. The thing is, as a family, we moved around quite a bit growing up. I believe I've said that already in an earlier entry. Every two to three years, we were packing it up and heading off somewhere new. As a result, I was always trying to morph into whatever my surroundings called for, never really catching up. So that whole phrase the Saturday morning cartoons & my parents would throw at me, "Just be yourself," was confusing and seemingly unrealistic. *Yes, let the record state: Moving affected me a lot. Apparently.*

I recently read an article in which the actress Naomi Watts was being interviewed and she stated it very nicely, "It came to a point where my personality was so diluted because I was trying to please...and in the process [of] doing too much pleasing I was losing myself."

Soo, that being said, as the years have gone by, I can now fully understand why up until this point, mention of high school activities or being around people within the delicate age of adolescence have left me mildly horrified & skittish.

But, I've survived my initiation and am still going strong. It's been said before that you spend most of your adult life getting over your childhood and it seems God used that exact reason to lead me here. If I can come alongside a few girls and help them realize that there are indeed, other boys in the world, just as cute as that one; that their life won't end if they can't reach 862 Facebook friends 3 months into their freshman year; it's ok to rock curly hair even if all of their friends have straight hair, and that God has a specific pathway for their lives.

I think if I could help just one student believe that this year, I'd be happy.

1 comment:

  1. Amen!! You´ll be amazed at how God will use you to help other girls because you´ve been "in their shoes" and you made it to adulthood just fine! I am so proud of you my beautiful friend!
